Sisson Classification of Stomal Recurrence

  • Sisson et al (1976)1 developed a classification used to guide prognosis and treatment for patients with stomal recurrence following total laryngectomy.
  • He classified stomal recurrences post laryngectomy into 4 types:
    • Type I: Localized nodule at the superior aspect of the laryngostoma without esophageal involvement.
    • Type II: Superior involvement of the laryngostoma with esophageal involvement.
    • Type III: Inferior involvement of the laryngostoma, usually with direct extension to the mediastinum.
    • Type IV: Lateral extension, and often under either of the clavicles.
  • Type I and II stomal recurrences are best treated with salvage surgery.
  • Type III and IV stomal recurrences are generally considered unresectable and non-operative management (chemoradiotherapy or re-irradiation) should be used.

Sisson classification of stomal recurrence post laryngectomy

  1. Sisson, George A., David E. Bytell, and Stephen P. Becker. “Mediastinal dissection—1976: Indications and newer techniques.” The Laryngoscope 87.5 (1977): 751-759. 

Last updated October 13, 2022