Prussak’s Space

  • Prussak’s space is a small recess in the middle ear that is the typical site of origin of acquired pars flaccida cholesteatoma.
  • Boundaries of Prussak’s space:1
    • Lateral: pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane
    • Medial: neck of the malleus 
    • Superior: lateral malleolar fold and the scutum
    • Anterior/Posterior: lateral malleolar fold
    • Inferior: lateral (short) process of the malleus 
  • It is named after Aleksandr Fedorovich Prussak (1839-1897), a Russian otologist who described the detailed anatomy of the space in 1867.2
  • It is continuous with the posterior pouch of Von Troeltsch.3

Prussak's Space

  1. Lee, Keat Jin. Essential otolaryngology: head and neck surgery. McGraw-Hill, 2012. 

  2. Proctor B. Alexander Prussak. (1968) The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology. 77 (2): 344-9. doi:10.1177/000348946807700219 - Pubmed 

  3. Janfaza, Parviz, ed. Surgical anatomy of the head and neck, pp. 452-453. Harvard University Press, 2011. 

Last updated October 10, 2022