Foramen of Huschke

  • The foramen of Huschke is an embryologic remnant in the antero-inferior medial ear canal which is a potential route of spread for infection or malignancy to the parotid or glenoid fossa region.1
    • This is a defect in the bony (medial 2/3) part of the ear canal
    • There is a reported prevalence of around 5%.
  • Compare this with the Fissures of Santorini, which are channels in the cartilaginous (lateral 1/3) canal which are another potential route of spread.2

Fissures of Santorini and Foramen of Huschke

  1. Lacout, Alexis, et al. “Foramen tympanicum, or foramen of Huschke: pathologic cases and anatomic CT study.” American journal of neuroradiology 26.6 (2005): 1317-1323. 

  2. Isaacson, Brandon. “Anatomy and surgical approach of the ear and temporal bone.” Head and Neck Pathology 12.3 (2018): 321-327. 

Last updated October 24, 2022