Ewald’s Laws

  • Ewald’s Laws are 3 laws that describe behaviours of the vestibular system. They were initially described by the German physiologist J.R. Ewald in 1892.1
  • Ewald’s 3 Laws are:2
    1. Ewald’s First Law: Stimulation of a semicircular canal results in nystagmus in the same plane as the stimulated canal.
    2. Ewald’s Second Law: In the lateral canal, ampullopetal flow (towards the ampulla) causes more stimulation than ampullofugal flow.
    3. Ewald’s Third Law: In the anterior and posterior canals, ampullofugal flow (away from the ampulla) produces a stronger response than ampullpetal flow.

Anatomy of the Inner Ear and Semicircular Canals

  1. Ewald, Julius Richard. “Physiologische Untersuchungen uber das Endorgan des Nervus octavus.” Bergman (1892). 

  2. Fife, Terry D. “Overview of anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system.” Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology 9 (2010): 5-17. 

Last updated October 08, 2022