Ford Classification for Sulcus Vocalis
- Ford et al (1996) developed a more precise classification for sulcus vocalis. He classified sulcus vocalis into 3 groups:
- A type I sulcus is a physiologic variant characterized by an intact superficial lamina propria. Patients with a type I sulcus generally have a normal voice.
- A type II (IIa) sulcus is defined by loss of the superficial lamina propria and adherence to the vocal ligament.
- A type III (IIb) sulcus is a medial pit shaped sulcus with extension into the vocal ligament and potentially even into the thyroarytenoid muscle.
- Ford initially described these as Type I/II/III respectively, however different literature will also group this as Type I/IIa/IIb.
- A type IIa/II sulcus is also called a sulcus vergeture.
- A type IIb/III sulcus is also (confusingly) called a sulcus vocalis.

Last updated October 27, 2022