Pouches of von Troeltsch

  • The anterior and posterior pouches of von Troeltsch1 (von Tröeltsch) are pouches within the middle ear formed by the space between the anterior and posterior malleolar folds and the tympanic membrane respectively.
    • Anterior pouch of von Troeltsch: A blind pouch formed medially by the anterior malleolar fold and laterally by the tympanic membrane.
    • Posterior pouch of von Troeltsch: A pouch formed medially by the posterior malleolar fold and laterally by the tympanic membrane.
  • Importantly, while the anterior pouch of von Troeltsch ends in a blind sac, the posterior pouch of von Troeltsch is contiguous with Prussak’s Space.

Pouches of von Troeltsch

  1. Janfaza, Parviz, ed. Surgical anatomy of the head and neck, pp. 452-453. Harvard University Press, 2011. 

Last updated October 10, 2022